APS Student Handbook Links
- Attendance
- Cell Phones and Electronic Devices
- Dress Code
- Drop-Off And Pick-Up Procedures
- Playground And Other Rules
Attendance line: (505) 836-0623
Opportunities for academic success are enhanced when students are on time and in all classes daily. APS students are allowed:
- No more than five unexcused absences per semester
- No more than 10 unexcused absences per school year
The parent/guardian must notify the school each day that the student will be absent in accordance with the notification procedure established by the school.
Excused Absences
Absences may be excused for the following reasons, with appropriate documentation:
- Doctor's appointment
- Death in the family
- Religious commitment
- Illness
- Family emergency
- Diagnostic testing
- School or college visit
- Limited extenuating circumstances as approved in advance by the school principal
Family vacations are considered unexcused absences, and it is expected that parents will schedule vacations when school is not in session.
Review the complete APS Attendance policy
Cell Phones and Electronic Devices
Dress Code
Albuquerque Public Schools shall prohibit student dress that may present a health or safety hazard, violate municipal or state law or present a potential disruption to the instructional program. Albuquerque Public Schools shall prohibit attire or accessories which advertise, display or promote any drug, including alcohol or tobacco, sexual activity, violence, disrespect and/or show bigotry towards any group.
Prohibited clothing and accessories include, but are not limited to:
- gang-related attire
- excessively tight or revealing clothes
- short shorts, skirts and dresses
- bare midriff
- low-cut and/or off the shoulder blouses
- spiked jewelry
- chains
- belts with more than 2 inches excess.
- "Sagging", or the wearing of pants below the waist and/or in a manner that allows underwear or bare skin to show, and "bagging", or the wearing of excessively baggy pants with low hanging crotches
Review the entire APS Student Dress policy.
Drop-Off And Pick-Up Procedures
Drop-off Area
- For optimal student safety, please drop-off students in designated areas only
- School buses drop students off on the south side of the school
- Personal vehicles drop students off in the west lot for all students
- Drivers must remain in the vehicle at all times
- Pull vehicles forward as far as possible to drop-off your child
- Students must exit from the passenger side of the vehicle
- Please see the detailed drop off and pick up map and expected procedures
- If these drop-off procedures are not convenient for you, families may park their vehicles in any of the parking lots and safely walk their child into the school
- Cross the street only at a crosswalk and designated areas, with or without a parent
- Students are to walk to the playground area to wait for the morning bell
After School
- Students walk quickly to their designated pick-up area
- Bus pick up is in the south lot
- Personal vehicles pick up students in the west lot
- Students need to wait until the vehicle has completely stopped before getting into the vehicle
- Enter your car on the passenger side only
- Cross only at a crosswalk, with or without an adult
- Students not picked-up at 2:10 p.m. will be walked to the office to call family members
- Determine an outside, designated area to meet to avoid congestion in the hallways
Playground And Other Rules
- Walk to the playground when leaving the cafeteria
- Students may run on grass, wood chip, dirt or sand areas only, walk on all sidewalks
- No food or candy is to be eaten on the playground while playing
- Snacks can only be eaten on the tables before playing on the equipment or play areas
- Put all trash in trashcans
- No personal toys or electronics allowed
- Use sports equipment properly.
- Use playground equipment safely by following all equipment rules
- No playing tag around or on any of the equipment
- Play in designated areas only
- One person on a swing at a time – please no saving swings for others
- Students are expected to play and swing appropriately
- Swing back and forth (no twisting or side-to-side)
- Do not walk between swings or go under swings
- Do not climb the poles
- Drag your feet to slow down the swing. Do not jump out of a moving swing.
- Do not wrap chains or swing to make the swing higher.
- One person on the ladder and the slide at a time
- Sit on your bottom, feet first
- No trains
- No chase games
- Do not walk up the slide or hang from the sides
- One person at a time
- Hold on with your hands
- No sitting or standing on the top of the bars
- No cherry drops or chicken
- Do not jump off the top of the bars
- No playing tag on or around the bars
(Football, Basketball, Tetherball, Tag)
- All games are open unless the duty person limits the number of players
- Rules of the game must be followed
- Games must be played on the basketball court or field area
- Tag games are not allowed near any equipment
- Good sportsmanship is always expected
- Lost balls over the fence or on the roof will be retrieved by an adult
All Play Stops When the Bell Rings
- Report any problems to the duty teacher
- Absolutely no rock, wood chip or sand throwing or kicking of any kind
- If you cannot see a duty teacher and the duty teacher cannot see you, then you are in a closed area. Please move to a supervised area and continue playing.
- No playing while you are in line or on your way to line up
- Walk quietly back to class and hold all sports equipment
Students will receive a discipline referral or “ticket” during recess if they are not following the playground rules and procedures. Students will always receive a prompt to change their behavior. Classroom teachers will be notified when any of their students receive a ticket. Severe behaviors and repeated misbehaviors may result in a meeting with the assistant principal and may be reported to the principal and/or the student’s family.
Other School Areas
- Walk in the cafeteria
- Stand quietly in line
- Sit on your bottom
- Use polite manners
- Use inside voices
- Talk with the person next to you or across from you
- Raise your hand if you need an adult
- Stay seated until you are dismissed
- Clean your area completely before leaving your table
- Walk to the playground with the assigned cafeteria duty
- Classroom table cleaners will be selected and/or designated by classroom teachers
- No food is to be taken out of the cafeteria to the playground
Hallways and Sidewalks
- Walk on the right side
- Keep hands and feet to yourself. Do not touch walls or student work.
- Observe two way traffic in the hallways – walk in a line on the right side
- Use inside voices
- Students are not to be in the hallways before school
- Move carefully
- Use quiet voices
- Look, Listen, and Read
- Respect library materials and equipment
- Follow the library rules and expectations
- Use an inside voice
- One person at a time in each stall
- Use the toilet or urinal properly
- Make sure the toilet flushes when you are finished
- Wash your hands with soap and water
- Throw all trash in the trashcans
- No playing
- Report problems to an adult
- Conserve water, soap, and paper towels
- Sit flat on your bottom
- Use an inside voice
- Practice good audience behavior
- Respond politely to the presenters
- Wait for a teacher to dismiss you