My name is Cana Evans and I am the nurse here at Maryann Binford ES. Melina Rodriguez is the Health Assistant.
We are here to help your students stay safe and healthy while learning.
Chronic Health Conditions
- Please let the school nurse know if your student has a chronic health condition for which they will need nursing support this school year.
- If your student will be taking medications while at school, they will need an updated doctor's orders. This is required at the beginning of each school year for us to be able to administer medication.
- Please remember to update the health office with any change in your child's medical plan or medication needs.
- APS now has new guidelines regarding Over-the-Counter medications as well. Please contact the health office if you have any questions regarding what over-the-counter medications we are allowed to give your student.
Germ Prevention and Safety at School
- Handwashing is one of the best ways to protect ourselves from getting sick!
- Please help us teach your students to wash hands often. According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), we should wash our hands for at least 20 seconds to be effective in preventing disease. In APS, students will wash their hands or use hand sanitizer upon arrival, before and after lunch, before and after recess, and at the end of the day.
Important Reminders
- Keep your child home if they are sick! Attached is the link to the APS Sick Day Guidelines.
- COVID protocols now fall into the same category as other sick day guidelines.
- Students must be up-to-date on all required immunizations. Please check with their doctor to make sure they are not missing any vaccines prior to registering for school.
- Report any verified or potential COVID-19 Illness in your immediate family to School staff (teacher, nurse or principal) immediately.
- Update parent and emergency contact numbers frequently using APS ParentVue. We must have working phone numbers so that we can reach a parent or emergency contact if your student is sick or injured.
Contact Information
- Cana Evans, School Nurse (505)836-0623 ext. 59408
- Melina Rodriguez, Health Assistant (505) 836-0623 ext. 59484
Health Office Hours
- 7:30am - 3:15pm
Mission Statement
APS Nurses uniquely enhance the educational process for APS students by utilizing a standards/evidenced based practice to help students achieve academic excellence and to promote a quality, safe learning and working environment.
Health Resources Links
- General Health Resources
- Sick Day Guidelines
- Medication Policy and Forms
- Immunization Information
- Medicaid Enrollment
- Health Centers
- Illness Prevention
- Health Posters